HONEY: Pure, Raw, Unfiltered, Local

Handmade Soap & Lotion Bars


A few years ago Barb called Chris and said “ I ordered two honey bee hives” And that is what started this growing hobby business, six soon to be powerful words. With both of us growing up in the farming community, it was easy to take our love of the land and animals into honey bees.

The beauty of honey bees is that they are teaching you something all the time. Every bee in the hive has a job and as they get older their job changes. Every bee is always working, So the saying busy as a bee… it is true. You also, get an amazing, healthy product called Honey.

As the time went on we started to grow. 20 hive, 40 hives and now we are over 100. With both of us still working full time, We are now busy as a bee.

When we finally had enough honey to start selling at markets, it was a very short time before I knew we needed more. As great of a product honey is…. our market was small enough that I wanted more to do.

That is how the second part was added to our hobby. We put local natural beeswax in all of our soap and lotion bars. Using a variety of oils, essential oils, fragrance and additives, we now have a variety of different products. Please Enjoy Barb and Chris


Our Products.

To Shop for products click on picture on this page or the category title on the shop page

Pure, Raw, Unfiltered Honey  Straight from the Hive

Pure, Raw, Unfiltered Honey

Straight from the Hive

Handmade Soap

Handmade Soap

Lotion Bars

Lotion Bars